Heavens to Murgatroyd!

And now, dear mortals, excerpts from a rant in which I castigated the masses,
especially the ignorated*, for their refusal to question obvious holes in narratives
best ignored:

The stage is set: a woeful beggar comes stumbling out of an alleyway, rags distraught.
He is holding a paper, on which are written the words "Covid-19 – the final nail in coffin
of medical research.
" Other beggars, lawyers, healers, and doctors of science abound.

Aristoprophanes: Why not let's shout to the roof-tops? He passes the paper around.

Beggar: Oh, what would one see here - a dissenting voice amongst the Doctory? Say it ain't so!

Scientist: What have we in the way of "consensus," then? None? Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Doctor: You mean we've been fully aware of research malpractice for upwards of 30 years?

Beggar: Oh dish, oh dosh!

Scientist: Oh calamity, oh my!

Lawyer: What of the news media, then? What of the government missives? All built on sand?

Doctor: Oh heavens, how shall we abide it?

Lawyer: It must be the work of those dastardly conspiracy theorists, who have been assaulting us
with facts from the get go...

Suddenly a light shines down upon Aristoprophanes, as if he has become the Vision of the Blessed Mother.
The other actors (actors?) are stuck, frozen in time, and only Aristoprophanes can move or speak.

Aristoprophanes in mocking tone: Seriously, it's almost as if half the people I know who've been
"educated in science" have been educated in sophistry, ignorance, nepotism and gullibility. Always
these "lovers of science" whose panties bunch when scientists point out the problems with their

As I have said before in the forum, I opted to study science's undergarments rather than its now
clearly rotting outer cladding - as such I have always put forward a "broad view" on these topics,
and am persistently vindicated as a result. Now a physicist disdains my points, now a chemist,
now a biologist, not a one of them has the common sense to extract themselves from the club
they were ushered into at the university and observe reality with a transparent lens. Everyone
is convinced that their professors weren't sacks of shit, comfortable in their education posts
because they were actually incapable of practising real science. The mutual-rubbing culture of
effeminate "universities" has produced for us generations of ineffectual "scientists" who sell their
bottoms for credits, kudos, and perhaps enough money to see out the month, if they can claim
a climate-connection or (now) spin some covid-claptrap in their research. All safely barred from
real world investigation, mind...

The light fades, the actors (really? These are actors?) resume their lamentations as they exit, the busy
street scene continues.

Aristoprophanes: Now as time goes on, data, data, data - yet more data, irreconcilable hoards of
data, which show "this part of the paradigm wasn't true, that part of the paradigm wasn't true, these
computer models were fundamentally (and, at the time, demonstrably) off, these social and political
dicta were utterly unfounded." All you gullible pseudo-scientists trumpeted for Satan while Thomas
sat doubting. "Hooray for Science," you said, using the divinising capital, "Science has shown us our
errors and it is Science that will save us." Clearly in this case so-called "science" is the error.

A fellow beggar comes up to Aristoprophanes.

It will be three years at least until they have understood the idiocy of their collective wank, while all of us who chose to challenge baseless and clearly (fiscally) biased assertions are cleaning up quite nicely right now. What's that? My sperm's worth increases by the minute? What's that? My blood is prized and sought after? Oh, I could hardly have seen that coming. Certainly not with unprecedented, untested, uncertified and assuredly unsafe genetic modification on the line. Who could've thought that might prove to be a bad idea, eh?

What makes me most angry, is that I have never had the conviction that I am somehow better than you for having avoided what seemed to me to be an obvious trap; and yet it is clearly the case that countless "vaccinated" individuals are of the opinion that their increasingly deleterious state (how much "long covid" have we got now, never mind the "short illnesses"?) is the sign of some spiritual superiority. "I'm brave enough to get the vaccine." No, you're stupid enough not to do a little reading. "I did it for the people around me." No, you did it because you were exhorted by media headlines and the governments' scary bedtime stories. "Well, what does it matter anyway, we're all going to die, haha, I don't even care if I become a mutant." Tell that to the people you could help if you weren't ill/dead (of which there will be an ever greater number as these farces continue).

In the end, I look at it this way - some of you don't want to be here. That's alright. I get that. This world can appear to be a frightening place, where we kill each other (organisms, that is) for food, where might wins out over right wherever right is not mighty enough, where it actually takes balls, courage, resilience and drive to achieve, grow, develop, ascend from once-held limitations. Yes, this is not an easy place for many to live in. So I understand that you would like to kill yourselves - to depart from this sphere, this realm - and to enter somewhere else, perhaps. And you should not like to know that's what you're doing; but you would rather be told that it's "for your health." You would prefer blind euthanasia - conscious suicide takes too much strength. That's understandable. I do not resonate with such positions, but I do comprehend whence they arise. And I can hardly condemn you for wanting to duck out, if that is indeed the reasoning behind your commitment to death.

All I ask is that you not take everyone else down with you. Just because you want to die, does not mean the world wants to die. Just because you have had enough of this difficult, confusing, challenging plane does not mean the rest of us have had our fill. We would like to remain. We would like to kill off the mutants, if you should all become zombies for example. We would like to topple the controllers in the event of "mass exodus." We would like to explore a new continent or map the North of the North - something of a challenge to evoke virility and raw humanity in us, but surely none of this trying dross of self-limitation and solipsistic suicidality.

Well, well, let it be well for all - I should hardly like that people should be uncomfortable with their lot, even if they know not why they chose it. But we should all be friends, all of us, for though I am but a pauper and have not even taxes by which to pay the government for their earnestly (perhaps too earnestly) offered interventions, I am still a human being, and laugh and cry and bleed like the rest. It is surely not my fault that I was blessed with these rags and this intellect, seeing as how my parents were dullards and my dog is made of stone -

*He means those educated into ignorance - Pericuriousalivates